Love Spell Guidelines

This time of year is supposed to be filled with hope and good cheer, more so than not it is filled with emptiness and despair. It is entirely possible to be surrounded by a room full of laughing and joyous people and still feel as though you are alone. I have felt the pain of the Season and I am here to tell you that I survived and so can you, one of the easiest ways to work through your issues and to heal yourself is to help someone else with theirs, provide a sincere ear so they may tell you their story or just visiting with someone who may not have anyone else in their life is always a good thing. The true spirit of the Season is meant to be shared in an exchange of energy, and while giving and receiving gifts are indeed an exchange the true exchange happens when two or more hearts connect and come together, any act of kindness or an expression of love is indeed a celebration unto the Goddess, we are blessed everyday with her bounty, she provi ...

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Choosing A Practitioner

I am contacted constantly by people who feel that they have been taken advantage of by a psychic, practitioner, wizard, witch, voodoo queen you name it! And while I would be the first to tell you that there are those uncaring, insensitive and even fraudulent beings in my line of work, I am certain that there are plenty of caring, spiritual individuals out there dedicated to their craft and to helping others! There are many guidelines to go by when looking for someone to work with, and there is much to be considered because you will not only have a financial stake in the work but a spiritual one as well. The number one thing to lookout for is anyone who claims to be able to make everything in your life instantly better and guarantees that it will happen, if you have contacted me in reference to spell work and if you were paying close attention you have to realize that I do not make any guarantees whatsoever, I never have and I never will. T ...

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Love Spells

Individuals who are inquiring about love spells approach me often, in my opinion magic of any kind should never be taken lightly, especially love spells. Magic or the act of casting a spell opens a door and creates a window of opportunity, and often it is a small window or timeframe that we are working with, but in many cases it is just enough to allow things to flow and manifest into fruition! When someone cast a love spell or even ask for help from a reputable practitioner it is crucial to understand that in order for your desire to manifest it has to be allowed to flow, once the work is done and the request has been made unto the Goddess, in most cases when I weave a love spell I call on Venus, the ultimate weaver of the web of love! As well once she has granted my request I repay her favoritism by burning thanksgiving incense unto her and I always give back something from myself as a gesture of good will. The exchange is very import ...

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White Magic? Or Not!

Magic is considered the most powerful science in the world, when a Wizard, Witch or Practitioner successfully applies its principles they can effect change within the universe in attunement with his or her will. I believe that magic is indeed a very personal thing, and this is one of the main reasons that I encourage my clients to put forth as much energy into their desire as possible, in a positive way of course and not in an obsessive manner. When I tell a client to stay focused, what I am really trying to stress is the need for them to direct their energy towards the goal that they wish to achieve or accomplish. In essence staying focused on the bottom line will indeed allow them to effect change within their own lives. (Mental Energy=Mental Magic) There are three planes on which magic works in the universe, the physical, astral, and mental planes. As living, breathing residents of earth we inhabit all three of these planes simultaneously, o ...

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Negative Magic

Recently I started working with a Lady from New Orleans, in fact I plan a brief stay in Louisiana in January, that is when I will begin writing my book, I have tons of memoirs from over thirty years of studying, and 21 years of practicing, I have notes scribbled, and scrawled on scratch paper, as well as personal experiences in working with my guides, and I can draw on certain key individual cases over the years that I have assisted with, as well as this one. Anyway Barbara out of desperation in reclaiming her lost love (name changed for her protection) had made several attempts in working with a High Priestess of Voodoo, a couple of different Psychics, and lastly a few Witches. The Voodoo Priestess is based in New Orleans, and I am very familiar with her work, she performs reuniting rituals, and such, at one point in her life she was very effective in producing ...

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A Magical Journey

Magic is all around us, it is everything and then it is nothing, magic is the divine power that flows within our very own life force. The spirit of a human being is magical unto itself, the spirit is housed within our fleshy, earthy bodies, when the body dies the spirit moves on, no energy is ever lost! I believe that in one sense the body is returned to the earth, our mother, our lady in waiting, the Goddess, she whose opened arms are stretched forth to embrace and envelope our spirit and send it forth with a threefold kiss, as it evolves and moves further towards its life goals. Each and everyone of us who inhabits the earth plane has specific goals and lessons that is pertinent to our individual incarnation, we also share lessons in ...

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Snow Moon Reuniting Ritual

Once again the wheel has spun, twisted, and turned until we have found ourselves thrown into the mist of Winter, it is truly ironic that the Earth finds itself barren during the reign of the God, the six month period that is governed, and watched over by the masculine aspect of the divine life-force. It is the belief among many pagan, and witch groups that the Goddess rules the Earth fromApril until October, and the God fromOctober until April, each sharing in certain obligations, and fruitful responsibilities.This is truly natures' way of trying to enforce balance, the Goddess, she who in my opinion never really relinquishes control to her counterpart, she who sits on the sideline waiting, and watching in amusement, and every once in a while she may even stroke his ego with an offhand ...

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Paying Homage To The Gods!!

The planet has undergone many changes over the last few weeks; and we are entering a time where the earth is becoming cold and frigid, the plants and flowers of spring and summer are no more and death can be felt all around us. Death can be seen symbolically with the movement through the seasons, as well it is reenacted on a monthly basis with the death of the moon. Death is a word that many people fear, especially those who have yet to develop and understanding that death is a natural process of life, it confirms and reaffirms the fact that all things must begin and end! Human beings are supposedly the most intelligent life on the planet, but I feel that the Gods may in fact give us way to much credit, why you may ask? The number one reason is that we as we speak are destroying our most valuable ally, MOTHER EARTH. Earth is the greatest teacher that we have and she is held in the highest regard in the Witch community, however every day that we continue drilling, digging ...

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